Dear Debbie,
My company is hiring all these younger employees, and I'm starting to feel outdated. How can I make sure that I stay on the fast track as I age?
Let me reassure you that you are not alone in feeling this way. For the first time in U.S. history, there are four generations in the workplace, working together as peers as well as managing each other. Much has been written about this mix because it has presented some new and different corporate dynamics. The wide range of ages can mean very different communication styles, workplace practices and diverse approaches to work.
I encourage you to really look at this as an opportunity for both your own professional and personal growth as well as a chance to mentor and advise younger coworkers. I especially encourage you to look at the younger workers as a resource for your own learning and development. Many times, older workers automatically feel superior to and maybe even annoyed by their younger counterparts. Open yourself up to truly interacting with these younger professionals by engaging them in discussions and seeking their perspectives. Far from being a roadblock to your success, they can help you stay current about the latest trends, especially if they are fresh out of college.
Try not to let you self be seen as “the elder” in the group. Instead, get in there and remain engaged at all levels with everyone. Remaining open to learning opportunities and to change is critical as you move through all stages of your career. Don’t let yourself fall into the trap of feeling superior simply because you have more years of experience. Staying curious yourself will make others interested in learning from you. A willingness to grow will help maintain your position as a key contributor.
It’s helpful to view the process of staying on the fast track as cyclical. The more you stay engaged in learning, the more you will have to offer which, in turn, makes you even more relevant and valuable to everyone in the organization. Your experience, combined with your willingness to continue growing, will make you a stellar employee at any age.
One last reminder – attitude is everything! Keep a positive, young-at-heart, inquisitive outlook about the world and your age won’t be a factor to anyone.
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