With the current job market, openings are few and far between and I want to make the most of any interviews that I get. Do you have any interviewing tips to pass along? What do you look for when you interview job candidates?
I have a lot of interviewing tips, but first let me give you a few things to think about. Before you start thinking about the actual interview, I would challenge you to define those things that make you different from all of the other people who might be vying for the position. What makes you special? What makes you particularly well suited for the job? Put yourself in the hiring manager’s seat and ask what would really “wow” you if you were comparing job applicants.
Think about those traits and skills that are at the top of your “strengths” list and determine which of these set you apart, and which apply to the job. Keep it simple. I suggest defining three or four things that really make you stand out from the crowd, and practice describing those traits aloud. That way, when you are asked in an interview why you are right for the job you will have already thought out the answers and will be ready to sell yourself smoothly.
When I’m interviewing, I look for that proverbial first impression to see how the person comes across. Is he or she friendly, comfortable, well mannered, and well groomed? Is he or she confident, poised, and ready to contribute to the team? During the interview, I’m asking myself how this person will fit into and be received by our team. I’ll bet the hiring managers you meet will be thinking about this, too.
So, I will leave you with this suggestion. Enter the room like you own it but are willing to give it up. Project a comfortable, confident, and engaging demeanor. Most important, articulate your strengths and skills and how you can contribute value to the team. Good luck!
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