Thursday, April 26, 2012


Dear Debbie,

There are so many networking groups in the area that I get a bit overwhelmed, feeling as though I should participate in all for fear of missing out on an opportunity. How do I determine which groups are worth my time?

This really can be a problem in today’s business world when the advice we get is to network, network, and network some more. Let’s face it, if you live in a major metropolitan area, there are multiple groups for every industry, sector, gender, and age from which to choose and participate. Ultimately, there aren’t enough hours in the day to join everything.
Give yourself permission not to accept every invitation to every function that comes your way. Like everything else in your time management tool box, you must be smart with your networking choices. It’s important to ensure a return on the investment of your time, especially in the areas of business and personal development.
So, here are a few things to think about when you decide which invitations to accept for networking opportunities. First, ask yourself what the demographic makeup will be in attendance. Will it be a group that is interested in your business? Will it be individuals that you can connect with for future business and for your own development? Most likely these questions will help you in effectively eliminating those invitations that likely won’t be productive for you.
Second, determine what your main purpose would be for attending a particular function. Is it to meet certain people? Pitch your business? Connect with future employers?
Once you identify the right group or groups for your networking time, look at ways to increase your level of visibility through leadership roles within the organization and speaking opportunities. These offer excellent opportunities for you to elevate your public visibility and name recognition, while increasing your self confidence and furthering your personal and professional development.

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